onwards, to the great unknown

To be a writer, you have to write. To be a good writer, you have to write, to learn how to tell the world about how you really feel, how to tell your story. A good diarist I am not, and when humanity have advanced so much that you can write your thoughts on a piece of computer to broadcast to the world, why not take advantage of it? I am not ashamed to admit that I write more consistently with an audience; knowing that someone somewhere is reading my work and eagerly waiting for the next installment is a good motivation. Even though it may not be so at first, I try my best to be consistent and update frequently.

And even if my audience is only a lone spambot, I will still try to keep a schedule, for my own sake. After all, I write not for society, but for myself, first and foremost. I write not for fame or money (though they are a wonderful side-effect) but for my own enjoyment, my own pleasure. And if my work also brings pleasure to other people, then I am more than happy to share it with them. If my work upsets and angers some people (for the wrong reasons), then I do not care. My opinions are my own and I do not care if they are against yours. I will not compromise my integrity for all the money in the world, I can promise my audience that, at least.

(Besides, consumerism is so overrated)

Thus begin my journey through the deep dark, winding forests of Blogger that are full of spams and dragons but also knights in shining armor and princesses in designer dresses. It will be a long and hard trip with rock-filled roads hindering my path, and I am but a novice in the worlds of blogging, but I say it will be a fun ride while it lasts, and while I'm here I want to share the adventure with you.


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